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Short Film: "Centuries and Still"

 Short Film: “Centuries and Still”

TW: Violence, gunshot audio

“Centuries and Still” is a mixed media illustrated short film telling the history of anti-Asian racism and violence in the United States. The film seeks to unveil how history took part in the birth and perpetuation of today’s surge of anti-Asian discrimination and hate crimes. The search for justice goes back to the Gold Rush era fetishization of Asian women, to today’s hate crimes targeting Asian elders.

The film was inspired by Vietnamese director Sally Tran’s same-style film "60 Years and Still" which portrays the history of racism and police brutality against Black people in America over six decades.

Through this short film, Sally Tran hopes to continue “education in action” through a unique hybrid of documentary and miniatures.
Shot on multiple formats including 16mm and Super 8 film, VHS and digital format to match the era. The archival audio and voice overs anchor the audience in the reality of the past and the present.

Art Assistant: Michelle Wong
Vimeo Staff Pick Premiere